Healing Heart & Soul. Bach Flower Remedies. The Hidden Layers.

A comprehensive book on Bach Flower Remedies that brings much new information to the the table.
Omen Speaks – A demonic’s perspective on us.

What do demonics really think about humans and ‘meat bags’ (as they are sometimes referred to as)?
Omen Speak was a series of blog that were done for me, as a favor by a demonic who called himself Omen.
He was bound to a human body and had been around around twenty thousand years.
The information he shared, upon my requests, was both illuminating and rare.
This could be one of the most important books you will come across, as it gives us warnings and what traps to avoid, for the unwary.

The Empath Guidebook (and Bach Flower Remedies for Empaths)
This is a book for Empaths written by an Empath. It’s free for download.
If you want a kindle or a paperback version, it can be obtained from Amazon.
I am The Phoenix

This is my autobiography about my psychic experiences and spiritual life. It gives the background to who I am and details the amazing stories that occurred in my life.

I used to write a lot of fiction, before I was drawn to writing books on information.
The Secret of The Double Rainbow is a story that was inspired by my discoveries of Bach Flower Remedies and one of my favourite books, Tom’s Midnight Garden.
It’s a story of a teenager called David, who finds his way into a dying astral garden and must work out what he needs to do to heal it.
You can read it for free on Wattpad.
Also available from Amazon.
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