My testimonials are in several places, mainly due to me being unable to integrate older sites into my newer ones.
You are encouraged to share your experiences, positive or negative, so others can make an informed choice.
Current site
Newer testimonials can be read from my Facebook Page here.
Old Site
Older Testimonials can be found here
They are also reproduced in full below.

On 2018-04-06 06:22:18.722082 by Michelle McGrann
I’m new to the site. Its nice to meet you.
On 2017-08-19 11:43:29.989626 by Mary Mag
I have to tell you that I’ve known Gary since 2006 when I came to his support group for empaths.I had known about empathy since I was 18 and never before had met anyone else with my abilities. Gary’s sincerity and ability to clear negative energy, along with his devotion to humanity helped me through some of the darkest days, I’d ever encountered. His sixth sense is uncanny and his knowledge about the supernatural order of things seems to penetrate every situation correctly. So many fakes are out there, but Gary is truly The Phoenix Source. He is capable of helping and the feeling of peace you will have after speaking with him is worth it’s weight in gold. When everything around you seems to flood due to negativity, he will pull you out of the water with a hand of compassion that has healed many a heart, including my own. He is worth talking to and meets an individual with a level of understanding that lets you feel immediately aware that he is the real deal. Trust him, he has earned it.
On 2017-07-19 18:45:34.379286 by Darlene
OMG, I just wanted to share my experience on getting an Energy Clearing and Reading from Gary!
For those of you who never had one or are a Newly Awaken Empath (like me), I highly recommend getting some guidance and an Energy Clearing to prevent or get you out of Deep Depression.
I just *woke up* a few months ago, discovered Bach Flower Remedies, and was hopeful to heal my deep gloom. I have always been pessimistic, more negative than positive, but always tried to be nice to others. Well last few years I had many deaths in the family (Dad, Aunt, and 4 close pets). I was always expected to take care of everyone, so I shoved all that grief down and did what had to be done for everyone else, so they could grieve. I also have a very toxic Narcissist Energy Vampire neighbor, who suck the life out of me for 20 years before I woke up.
Well the “Toxic Sponge” (Me) had a meltdown. Didn’t know it but my soul was sending out a call. I kept thinking about getting help from Gary but my fear held me back..I pushed through it and Contacted Gary for a session. Every little contact with Gary, I felt some of the dark clouds parting, and this is just on email, trying to setup a session. I also kept getting synchronicity signals, suddenly feeling good, then POP, and email from Gary came through.
Now that I know why things are happening, and got some reserves due to Energy Clearing, I am so hopeful.
The next day, I never felt so good. Let the dog out to potty, started Grounding. While taking in the Sky Energy, I looked above my house and there was a cloud formation that looked like a Phoenix, spread all across half the sky right above my roof! (Gary’s Guides call him the Phoenix).
I can’t thank Gary enough for getting me to want to continue on with this 3D life. I never knew how painful Emotional Depression was until I felt how good you can feel.
On 2017-05-17 14:49:26.572973 by D’wayne
Good Morning to all Just an update to my last testimony. As of Monday May.15,2017 @ 11:30 pm my grandmother passed away. As I said in my previous post I knew this was coming. I had flashes of her and death months before but I didn’t know it would be my vision to see this thru. I’m hurt down to my soul and I have no way of expressing my joy and pain other than to give my story here. Whatever powers that be I understand it better now and follow it as it seems to guide me along my journey.
On 2017-05-11 13:42:00.721676 by D’wayne
I haven’t told anyone this since I’ve been going thru this ordeal. A few months ago I had this sudden urge that I needed to pay more attention to my grandparents who are in their 80’s now. Not that I don’t speak to them enough or see them, but just the fact that they are getting older. Well sure enough my grandmother had to have a colonoscopy done in the middle of April. She came home and was rushed back to hospital 3 days later. The doctors waited about a week before deciding to have emergency surgery on her to remove an infection she had in her colon. Well its been a month and my grandmother has not awakened from that procedure yet. The emotions that I feel are confusing sometimes and when I’m alone I’m hit hard. I am new to this term “empathy”, but this is also something I practiced and never knew I was doing it. It helped take away my worryness as I’m a Libra as…Balance is key. Since this has happened and the accuracy of what I felt, it has frightened me, but I am learning to become stronger with it.
On 2017-05-02 17:34:56.103918 by Arash
I struggled with negative thoughts and astral projection attacks for a long period of time and in very high intensity. Gary helped me through many of these life hindering problems. It lead me to have sufficient healing to invite others who were in need to do the same.
On 2017-03-29 20:33:02.433293 by HEATHER
Gary is a true and powerful healer. He has helped me is so many ways to break free from ties that were binding me. I have had multiple sessions with him and healing each and every time. I feel so light and hopeful again after time with Gary, and he is always so kind and caring to check back in after the sessions. Invest the time and small amout of money in a session with Gary and you will see and feel results!
On 2017-03-21 23:34:01.377040 by Kat Flanagan
I had a trauma healing session with Gary this morning. The things he read into my energy were amazing. I feel as light as a feather. Recommend highly. He is one talented man and a lovely one at that.
On 2017-03-19 00:54:44.629287 by Renee
I wanted to take a minute to recommend Gary Leigh (founder of this group) to anyone who is struggling with trauma, feeling stuck, feeling attacked, curious about spirituality in general or just wants to have a spiritual experience and connect more with who they really are. I reached out to Gary during a tough time in my life and he was able to make a positive impact on how I felt about myself and my life in general. He read my energy and other people in my life with 100% accuracy and was also able to send me healing that felt like a high with lasting effects. Not only that, but he has checked back and has offered support and healing several times since. I feel grateful to have encountered this soul on my path of healing and spiritual discovery. Thank you Gary!
On 2016-12-14 21:36:43.718055 by Juliette Williams
I’m so happy to have had the opportunity to speak with Gary. It took me a minute to finally decide to get up the nerve to even reach out. But I’m happy I did. Gary helped me with so many things I was struggling with. So many doubts I was feeling. It sounds corny, but I felt alive again. It was like all this weight had been lifted from me. I feel like I’m able to see more clearly again. I had answers not only for me, but for my children as well. I’m still amazed at how much he knew and how informative he was. He was so kind, humble, and patient during our session. If you are looking for answers, guidance, or reassurance in anything you may be going through (With an honest answer!) Gary is definitely the person you are seeking.
On 2016-12-06 02:31:02.336363 by Hana Rachel
Hi all, I just wanted to take a moment to update on my work with Gary. Gary has been an unbelievable help in my life. He is continually helping me to save myself and truly begin living for the first time. I never thought that I would be in the place that I am right now in my life. I know if it wasn’t for him, I would not be where I am right now. Gary is so humble that he does not even take credit for what he has done to help me. He tells me I could have figured it out myself, but I know if it wasn’t for him, I would not be doing as well as I am right now. I am forever grateful for him and I appreciate everything he does for so many people. He is the most giving, selfless person that I have ever known. And that I will ever know. Those that have worked with him and have been healed by him know exactly what I am talking about. The time and energy he gives to each person he works with is incredible. I feel profoundly blessed to have met someone who has dedicated their life to helping others in the way that he does. Gary is pure love, it is as simple as that. He wants the best for everyone and has dedicated his life to that. On behalf of all those he has helped and will help, thank you from the depths of my heart. I am forever grateful for you.
I would like to note, Gary does have a fee per session. However, it is minimal compared to what one receives out of the session. I believe it is worth so much more than what he charges.
On 2016-11-18 08:08:42.858873 by beverly bari
I am blessed to have met gary and all the friends I mat through this. I feel hope that things can finally be fixed and well this is part of the path I am meant to walk I would not be able to do it with out garys help. my issues and problems are mind boggling and he helped put them to rest
On 2016-11-15 17:30:05.814272 by Jennifer
I have never felt so alone and scared yet excited and part of something bigger…becoming a part of this community and having the new support of Gary, I feel more hope that this amazing soul journey will have some healing faster so I can go on to hopefully help others which is my dream…I’m appreciatI’ve of Gary using his gift to help so many. I’m excited to learn more of. Thank you
On 2016-11-15 03:09:10.627511 by Shelly Cooper
Three years ago, upon discovering what an empath was and that I was one, I felt the need to search for answers to discover more. Of the first links I found took me here. I read Gary’s Empath Guidebook in its entirety in a day, and I had never felt so connected and peaceful. It was an eye opening and humbling experience.
I’m grateful to have found this community, and I feel as if I’ve known Gary in person, although we have never met face to face. Whet he has shared here, in forums, and in blogs has helped me in my own spiritual path.
On 2016-11-15 01:03:41.726659 by Jennifer Harris
I have had the amazing luck of knowing Gary for some years now. His is a true inspiration to not only myself but all those who he has worked with. Between the long talks and his recommendations of Bach flower remedies I feel much better and lighter. I am so thankful and grateful to have his help.
On 2016-11-14 18:28:01.976655 by Amy Patterson
I am very grateful and honored to have talked with Gary. I feel enlightened and energetic after our conversation. Gary is very well informed and I believe he can help anyone who is wanting to get help. Please don’t hesitate to contact Gary to have a truly amazing experience.
On 2016-11-07 21:02:02.646909 by Kristene Davis
Everything happens for a reason….. Ive been on a soul searching journey for so long. Trying to find my life path, my purpose, ect… Today I spent 1 hour talking with Gary and the connection was outstanding. I had chills, my heart tingled.. He knew more about my emotional level and what I was feeling and experiencing then I had ever let known outside of my own thoughts. He answered so much and let me know I was right where I needed to be. I feel truly blessed to have encountered such an amazing soul! Thank you so much for your help. You have given me the tools to take charge of my life and have the confidence to live out my lifes purpose. Thank you so much!
On 2016-11-02 06:47:59.093213 by Janine
I had an emotional healing done with Gary. I have had huge trauma in my life, which started my awakening but the trauma just bogged me down. On speaking to Gary via Skype I was blown away by his knowledge, empathy and compassion. I felt a huge shift in my emotions while talking to Gary and was so mesmerised I had to take a few days to consolidate before I could give my testimonial. I have been deep in thought for a couple of days now and feel my trauma has lifted as well as my depression. I can’t thank Gary enough for what he has done in my life. The fee he charged was so little compared to what I gained from the session. Thank u Gary for your selflessness and for sharing your gifts to help others.
On 2016-11-01 18:08:35.014728 by Amanda J
Hello everyone! Today I had a reading done by Gary and Im so happy with the outcome. Ill start by saying that I thought I knew everything about myself but I was wrong and that’s a good thing. I was pleasantly surprised with what I learned today. Everything he told me was spot on. I have been out of touch with my gifts and with just a quick reading I feel rejuvenated and empowered. He is very wise and informative. Despite not knowing him on a personal level I felt it was comforting to speak with him. He is gifted beyond comparison.Thank you again for your help, Gary! Im so grateful for this experience.
On 2016-11-01 17:07:59.101367 by Kristene Davis
Its been a week or so since I started taking the bach flower remedies. White Chestnut and Walnut. Oh my goodness.. You guys I have never felt so good. The anxiety/panic is down. I am sleeping again. No chemicals blocking me.. No reacquiring bad thoughts. I am sooo incredibly happy! Thank you so much for the recommendation Gary leigh! This was such a blessing!! Thank you! Thank you!!!
On 2016-10-29 03:24:44.240494 by Hana Rachel
Hello everyone, I just wanted to give an update. I recently had my second session with Gary. I am finding it hard to put into words how I feel. I’ll do my best; I’m sorry if I’m scattered with my thoughts. I feel joy, like actual joy for the first time in my life. The veil has been lifted and I now know that I don’t have to spend my life being depressed and anxious all the time. That has been all I’ve ever known. I feel like I am ALIVE! I have a sense of peace, calmness. I feel like I am literally in my body more now. I can feel the life force energy inside me. I want to jump up and down and shout with joy. We can save our own lives! I can save my own life! How beautiful and amazing. I am so profoundly grateful for Gary. Without him, I would not be where I am right now. I am eternally grateful for all he does. I don’t feel like I can do him justice in describing how much be has profoundly affected my life for the better. Thank you 🙏🏻
On 2016-10-28 18:26:36.809156 by Diana
I met Gary through a friend of mine. I had my 1st session with him the other day. Although I knew a lot about myself in being a Reiki Master, & Massage in working with energy. Gary was reading my energy like he had known me all my life. Gary put into perspective some difficulties I had been in stuck mode for a while and he felt it and put a different spin on it. He made me realize what I needed to be aware of and always trust in myself. Some of the things I had been feeling were validated an he made me see myself in a different light, a more positive perspective. I have had nothing but positive thoughts and is helping in all aspects of my life. Thank you very much Gary:) Sincerely, Diana
On 2016-10-26 16:32:02.282937 by SteviCoye Maydon
Gary has been such a wonderful blessing and help in my life. I found out that I was an empath not too long ago, and ran across his free download book as well as some YouTube clips. I don’t think there is any other source out there that has given me as much helpful advice as his resources have. In fact, I believe this so strongly that I will no longer search anywhere else for advice or help. I go straight to Gary now! I have personally messaged him before and gotten wonderful advice, and have even had first hand “healing” experiences with him. Twice now I have asked for advice, and or healing energy, and he has asked my permission to “come in” and give them to me. The first time I will admit that while I believed him I had that bit of skepticism, but it helped. The second time gave me chills because when he asked to “come in” and deliver the information the exact feeling took over me, and I know it was the same for others. I felt tingles in my back that spread up to my kneck and into my shoulders, and then up into the base of my head and spine. That tingle feeling sat there for awhile, and I wouldn’t say I was in a trance, but my mind was completely clear with absolutely no thoughts. Then the tingles went away. Some of the information he sent me was delivered immediately, while other bits were left to be sent to me as needed days, and then a week or so later. If you are a skeptic this may sound unbelievable, but I write this out of total truth as like I said I was skeptic myself at first! I believe that any advice from Gary should not be taken lightly. He has helped to heal me when I was sick, and deliver advice to help me personally and to help others. I cannot stress what a blessing this man was to be sent to me at this time in my life!
On 2016-10-16 22:49:56.473621 by Hana Rachel
I just wanted to share about my experience during my first session with Gary. I had recently found his Empathy group on Facebook. I instantly felt that I had found a place where others understood me and I wasn’t alone in my experiences anymore. I learned more about Gary and that he did private sessions beyond consistently helping and guiding people in the group. My intuition told me to reach out to him. I am shy and was nervous about reaching out to someone I didn’t really know. About two minutes into our Skype session, I was calm and at ease. It’s hard for someone to make me feel at ease, so I knew I had made the right decision. I could literally feel him moving stuck energy out through my crown chakra. I felt a lightness, as if I could almost float. I wanted to go outside and skip and jump around. It felt so relieving. The only time I’ve felt anything similar was during an acupuncture session.
I want others to know that Gary is a true, talented, giving man who dedicates his time to helping others. I feel as if my journey as an empath is truly just beginning and I have Gary to thank for that. I look forward to many more mind and heart opening sessions with him. I am blessed to have found Gary and this group. He’s a true messenger, here to help Empaths.
On 2016-10-14 21:57:49.831103 by Christy Fair
For anyone considering consulting with Gary Leigh, do it!! He’s amazing!! For years I wasn’t sure if Bach flower remedies were powerful enough for me. I would barely notice a difference in emotional well being. Then, after Gary made me a specific blend just for me and I tried it with nothing to lose, my depression lifted within 3 days! It was a true shift and so sudden I was actually surprised! Bach flower remedies are great, but you need the right blend for it to work well. Trust Gary! 😉
On 2016-10-12 22:49:51.950917 by Kelly A. (KMAinPNwa)
Gary, words will never do justice or be able to adequately express to another the truly life altering experience that has taken place with-in my life since I contacted you. (with that being said, anyone who is reading this, who has read your empath survival guide, or your book I am the Phoenix – will know EXACTLY what I am saying)
Since you have been working with me these past 5 months. I have never felt more peace or gratitude to another person, ever, before in this life. You helped empower me to stand in what I know and believe in who/what ever it is that I truly am…
You have helped me, save my life. (confirming some of my knowing, as well as to let me Know I wasn’t Alone in my experiences, that I was in no way Crazy) – until that day, I was alone, under a dark cloud, felt I had been forgotten, praying to God, someone, please take me away – who I was then, it seems a million miles away. Because of you gary. Never before now did I ever think , let alone would say – with all that I Am. . . i am so happy to be alive today. And I do not believe I would be, if I was not guided to you.
My Love , Llight, and Never Ending Appreciation for you.
I hope and pray, that those who seek, will find you.
And know the peace you have brought to my soul.
On 2016-06-29 09:35:35.878776 by Rob M
Gary is a life saver. He can help you understand why you are feeling the way you do and patiently help you come to accept the way that this world really operates. If you are under attack, he will protect you from harm and, when you’re ready, teach you how to develop that skill yourself.
I was suicidal and in a matter of a few short months, with Gary’s help, I am now more confident and full of joy than I’ve been in my entire life. We all have the power within us and Gary will figure out the best way to help you realize that.
His work is the real deal. It works.
On 2016-05-13 20:53:26.347294 by Maria Gouli
I am in awe with how Gary works and what he did for me. I owe him a big thanks and is actually priceless his healing. I had psychic attacks continuously that was creating havoc in my energy. My heart was compromised, my head and I wasn’t feel at peace with myself. While Gary was doing the healing and using his techniques we both could see the same thing. That was an incredible moment cause he released and could see something that was trapped in another realm, made by those beings inaccessible to me. Gary saw it and dealt with it and after that is something I hadn’t experienced since I was a child free of all that. That thing that was in my heart was gone, i felt at peace in my head and in myself and I could feel myself again. I cant even describe more the experience. All I can say is that I am in awe and grateful of the work that he did unconditionally. Those people are rare in our world, first for understanding with compassion and love what is going on without thinking that you are a lunatic and second of all, that his skills of seeing and moving in those realms is incredible.
Thanking him is just an undermining of how grateful I am.
I am happy to see also how many lives he has changed and that is amazing!!!
You are an amazing human being Gary <3>
On 2016-05-12 01:35:53.372158 by Gina A
Below comments reposted from previous app. (Gary)
My experience began a few years ago.
I was attacked by witches and gangstalked.
Everything was affected and I was confused, afraid and angry. I lost so much.
Luckily, by some miracle I found Gary. Through his counsel, suggestions, information and caring help I understand more of what happened and why.
Thank God for him, because I truly believe he saved my life. His calmness and love for his work is healing. Love prevails. Thank you, Gary for all you have done for me and others – now and in the future. Your help is immeasurable.💕
11/04/2016 14:05
On 2016-05-12 01:33:02.737000 by Suz
Hi everybody. I just wanted to take advantage of an opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to Gary for helping me once again.
I have a number of health and mental health issues that had left me somewhat disabled. I experience serious chronic pain. Gary has helped me with this a number of times. Late last summer I had to go on narcotic pain patches supplemented by oral narcotics. They really didn’t seem to help much though. Additionally, I went into withdrawal after having missed a dose. After that I decIded I had to get off of them. I went through three months of varying degrees of withdrawal which seemed like sheer hell to me. After that I found myself deep in the throes of a major depressive episode.
I hated to bug Gary but finally reached out to him. He was available to help once again. I don’t understand how he does the energetic and other healing but I can tell you he’s exceptionally gifted and effective. He sent energy for me that helped me lift my head by the next day. In addition, he found that I had a parasite that was sponging up my energy. My thoughts were dark, very dark, and that started improving also. He also encouraged me to stay start using the Bach Flower Remedies. It’s been about a week now and I’ve gone from battery functioning to being active through my days. I have a ways to go but I’m confident I’ll reach my goal again thanks to him.
If you’re considering seeking assistance from Gary I strongly encourage you to go for it. He is highly intelligent,.compassionate and empathic. I trust him implicitly and like other empaths that have been burned and became quite cautious that says allot.
31/03/2016 18:22
On 2016-05-12 01:32:25.371552 by Arash : )
Hi all and Gary,
I am writing to note to publicly express gratitude for the help I received in support of my spiritual well-being. I met Gary when I was in very bad spiritual form as a result of years of psychic, emotional, and mental abuse by a cult. I was suicidal and unstable. The amount of harm inflicted on me had caused multiple suicides in the same cult.
First Gary removed the spiritual astral projections, and entities that were placed to drain life force from me for the purpose of sorcery. This was a long process not an occasional event. Then Gary helped me recover my fate which was valcuried. I asked him how he does these things and he explained that they are forms of manifestation.
I read Gary�s book (�I am the Phoenix�) and on page 242 I identified what the cult had been doing to me. Gary was cool and balanced in guiding me away from a very bad situation to good spiritual health. On the subject of suicide he told me not to do it because if I do it is likely that my spirit energy would remain in the unwanted contacts and carry its problems into a manifestation of another incarnation of a form of life. I never had any such tendencies thereafter.
The sorcery of the person who was manipulating my energy caused her to take many demonic forms. For example she would take Valcury form to put obstacles in my life that were not part of normal sequences of things and she would use the energy to provide material things to the people who paid her for it: Jobs, social connections, moods, etc. She would take the form of a Fate and manipulate my timeline causing severe emotional disturbance. She would take Succubus form and do sexual attacks in the astral to drain energy. Gary literally had to vanquish these demons that appeared as astral projections from a distance. Very Angle Michaelish. : ) There were hexes and spells that were removed providing for my wellbeing.
I own a lot of gratitude, having been removed from the demonic claws of harm. Now I live a spiritually and mentally healthy, and happy life that I enjoy.
Thank you,
: )
22/02/2016 20:52
On 2016-05-12 01:31:44.915479 by Katie Walden
Hi all! and Gary
I just need to let you know how fantastic or more so, how life changing itbjas been to work with Gary over the past 5 years. His constant support and help has got me out of and moving peacefully through some very uncomfortable and difficult situations. From healing using his intuitive methods of healing with energy, as well as his reading of my emotiomal and physical state where he has administered the perfect blend of Bach flower rememdy that I just can’t rave enough about the difference it has made on my journey and through some really hard times. His innate wisdom has guided me and kept me sane over the years. Life has never been the same and i have never felt more safe and secure in myself since meeting Gary
22/02/2016 16:41
On 2016-05-12 01:30:40.742539 by Sarah
All my life I have suffered mental, physical and spiritual pain that drove me to drink and in sobriety earned a bipolar diagnosis. For 10 years I have accepted that and done my best to live a normal life. I hail the medical aspects of recovery and my mental disorder.
As a patient diagnosed by medicinal practitioners, my life is still no where it needs to be. I lost jobs relationships have a horrible relationship with family and don’t know what to do. All I know is that I feel a lot of pain even with my medication that works. I sought help by reading and looking up reasons why I feel so much pain from others and know that I make other people incredibly uncomfortable. The closest thing I could come up with empathic . I took quizzes and all kinds of things that were very shallow but I scored high on every single one. When I ran across Gary’s website I did not know what to expect. When I sent an email I was surprised that he wanted to talk to me personally because the world happens to be a very cold place. When he kept his appointment on the phone with me I was relieved. With that being said he listened just as any medicinal practitioner would.
I make the rash comparison because I’ve been diagnosed and that is all I have had exposure to. My sobriety has kept me out of trouble and my medication has kept me from under the bridge. I can’t go in to details of what Gary did for me but when he spoke with me he was calm and realistic and I could tell he had this down pat. His “diagnosis” from what I said and the questions I answered he concluded down pat that I am a high-level empath. I’ve known the symptoms for many years but to actually have someone give me that serenity knowing that I’m not alone was outstanding. Since I’ve spoken with Gary I’ve become, with one strengthening word, a beginner. Gary has given me hope and faith that my life is about to change. I’ve lived many years in pain and I have all the symptoms of a true empath. I finally feel I have found where I need to be because this is all suddenly ok and I’m not confused and alone anymore. I do believe many discount this healing process because of a fear of the unknown and perhaps some sort of discrepancy with Christianity but as a devout Christian I do know that I have felt nothing but good and God surrounding me and i know that evil is draining away with my love and positive energy flowing in a direction that it needs to be. One thing I really like about working with Gary is that he will say to go with how it feels. There are no right or wrongs with him
The Christianity was a surprising element when he told me about the star of Bethlehem as an ointment. For that I felt safe with God and goodness surrounding me. I do believe I have had God since my sobriety. My energy and empathic abilities are blessings that are crushing me right now because I must honor that God gave us free will. I do not know how to deal with this alone and it’s making other people dislike me. I do believe Gary will guide me out of this mess I’m in. Future testimonies I have no doubt will come with an enormous amount of zeal and success with getting myself together in this world.
As in any practice for any healing or sustaining balancing your life, and in my opinion, there has to be a bond and a trust and a reason to keep coming back to the same person. Since I am a high-level empath I do believe that gives me some credibility. With medical diagnosis and 10 years of recovery, i do believe that that also gives me credibility. However, this is not about me or my ego. This is a testimony and it’s not about “never felt better” quick fix. It is comfortable, sufficient and legitimate qualification Gary can determine. And it’s about hope, working instructions and in time it will become better for me and my empath that I am will work for, not against me. Until that time, I feel I have some experience strength and hope with in this gentleman I am proud to praise.
04/02/2016 20:24